
Misfortune Upon Misfortune

A Woman's Story of Her Many Trials and How She Overcame Them With the Aid of Dr Williams Pink Pills

"Nearly two years ago I suffered a terrible shock through the explosion of a gas meter. I was hit in the face, and for some time afterwards I continually felt as if I was going to fall down"

"Soon after that my husband was taken seriously ill, and this worried me very much"

"Ten months ago my last baby was born. Before she arrived I had a nervous breakdown, and was in such a shocking state that I hardly expected her to be born alive"

"I could scarcely walk across the room, and it was torture for me to be left alone, even for a few minutes"

"I often came over giddy. My hair came out, I was almost as bald as a badger"

"Then on my aunt's recommendation I started taking Dr Williams Pink Pills and soon felt the benefit...Then my hair began to grow, and now, as you can see, it is quite normal"

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